Thursday, November 4, 2010


Followers, and readers?
It has been what 4 months since I have posted. Wow. I am so sorry. Life has been crazy. I am working on a new story because I am on a stand still with this one. I don't really know where to go with it. I am not giving up on this, but with (my) hockey season coming up, and soccer season just ending I need time to regroup, and just relax. But I hope to get an update in the next week, and hopefully a chapter my new story up hopefully tonight. Thank you for being loyal, and I promise, I am not giving up.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chapter 11:Travel

I always hated airports and traveling. Even before 9/11. When I was younger and I traveled with my parents or friends I always wished I could just be alone when I travel, but now that I am alone and in an airport I had no idea to get around in looking for someone to give me a sign to where I am suppose to be found.
I have gotten lost three times, gotten mean looks from five year old girls seven times, and have been screamed at twelve times. And now I am on an escalator trying to call Sidney, who still hasn’t answered the probably twenty voicemails, and missed calls that are on his phone. Standing at hopefully the right baggage claim waiting for my bag to come through I feel someone grab my back and pull me closer.
“mmmm, I missed your smell,” Sidney. I was pissed. I didn’t think I was until I heard him, and felt his touch.
“I need to find my bag,” I answered, pulling away and going to an opening, adjusting my New York Yankee’s baseball hat on my head. Sidney must have followed me because now he is standing next to me with a dark hooded sweatshirt and RBK black hat on, covering half of his face.
“Which one is it?” He asked quietly.
“I don’t even know if this is the right baggage claim,” I answer wanting to sit down and give up. Since last Friday my life has been hell. And this whole travel day has been a blow as well.
“Let me check, Stay here, Ok.” I nod, and cross my arms and stick my left leg out so I can release my weight from it, which makes the pain which had started to increase with walking around trying to get down to my destination.
“Maddie!” Sidney called. And I turned around to notice that there he was with my bag next to him. He waved me over and I started limping, the pain in my knee soaring now. Finally when I got to him he asks, “Is this yours? I mean you’re the only Maddie Martin I have heard of, but I don’t know, there could be more,”
“Yes,” I thanked my lucky stars, “It’s mine, now not to be a total and complete bitch, but can we leave?” I ask, and Sidney laughs.
“You not a bitch, Maddie, come on my truck is right out here,” He says lifting up my bag, and grabbing a hold of my hand, and leads me out to his Range Rover. Unlocking the doors, we put my two bags into his trunk and go to the driver and passengers doors and climb in. He puts the keys in the ignition and looks at me for a minute before saying. “You okay?”
“Life.Sucks.” I reply “And so does your airport, and traveling and, sorry,” I say looking at his concerned eyes, “It’s been a hard ass week, and I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer”
“Its fine, as long as your alright,” I nod, saying I am and he continues, “So I just got off the ice, and you just got off a plane, and personally I hate plane food, so why don’t we go to this little café near Mario’s neighborhood and you can tell me how life sucks so much, deal.”
“Deal,” I reply, pulling back my hat and resting my head against the head rest and shutting my eyes slowly.
“I’ll have a coffee, and your veggie crêpe.” Sidney orders to the little café worker who isn’t stunned that she is taking Sidney’s order, which I thought she would be.
“And for you,” She asks me with a genuine smile.
“Green tea and a berry crêpe. Thank you,”
“Sure thing, that’s my favorite, the veggie one sucks, the only person who eats it is Sidney.” I was now confused. I rubbed my temples and Sidney and coffee house girl must have caught on because she now introduced herself. “I’m Lauren, Sidney lives in my parent’s house because he is way too lazy to get his own,”
Before I could answer Sidney goes in for the kill. “Lauren I am not lazy, I have a job that takes up my time, and promotions and Max.” Lauren doesn’t answer him, she winks to me and leaves our table waving to Sidney. “That was Mario’s daughter, Lauren” Sidney explains, and then changes the subject, “Let’s talk,” He says, “I don’t think your life sucks that bad, does it,”
“Just about,” I answer, “It’s been a week,” I explain. While another shyer waitress comes over and drops off Sidney’s coffee and my tea.
“Well….”Sidney motions me to go on, which I take advantage.
“Remember when I called and said that David, my cousin was on a date, and Izzie, my roommate was on a date,” he nodded so I continued. “Well they were on a date together, which doesn’t bother me, the thing that bothers me it’s that they have been secretly dating behind everyone’s back for three or four months now. And I mean good for them, but David is now picking Izzie over Adam, and to me, that’s not right, not at all.” Sighing I add “And that’s not the worst thing that has happened this week.”
“Well,” Sidney starts nodding to the shy waitress who now puts down the crêpes on the table. “What else happened? You know I once heard you shouldn’t keep everything in.” He finishes, cutting a piece of his crêpe off of the main piece.
“Well I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that they have finally found after my accident, which I really didn’t think that’s what I have but I guess I do, oh well. Oh I moved out, and my mother thinks it’s stupid for me to go to Pittsburgh for a boy I just met rather than go home. But I don’t really care what she thinks. She is just mad that I am never home, and she is always home.”
“Sounds like you had an amazing week Maddie,” Sidney says and smiles, then laughs. “I hope this next week isn’t a total blow out to this past one.” He winks and takes another bite.
“Oh if it is, I don’t think this,” I say waving my fork between the both of us. “Will ever work,” I smile, and Sidney laughs.
“Alright, well I hope Pittsburgh doesn’t disappoint you,”
“So,” Sidney says glancing over to me. “I have an extra room in my wing, so you can stay there. It would be easier for me to get to you and all that stuff,”
“Mhhm,” I agree trying to keep my eyes open.
“So I couldn’t help but notice that you were limping at the airport.”
“It’s because I was sitting for so long. Or else that’s what I hope it is because my doctor did say that my condition could get worse.”
“You could see our trainer tomorrow. Or…or wait!” His raise of voice woke me up and I was now paying close attention. “You can come with me to practice tomorrow and then after you can see Denny, our trainer!”
“Sounds wonderful Sid, just wonderful.”


I just want to say that I AM NOT done with this project. I have been super busy and I have an update I have been working on, and I have decided that tonight, right now. I will finish this update and post!

Thank You For Keeping With Me!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chapter 10: I'm Scared

A/N: This is shorter, but this chapter was physically hard to write. I couldn't get myself to type it. But with the long weekend I am going to try to write a lot and update a lot. Thanks for my five followers, who hopefully read. Comments are awesome too.

Adam feel asleep at the second intermission and I carried him into my bedroom and tucked him into the bed. Then I went back out to the living area and finished watching the game. After there was an amazing goal from John Tavares I heard my phone start to ring and picked it up.
“DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?!?!?!?!” Sidney yelped into the receiver.
“Yea, pretty awesome,” I replied, wishing I still had the chance to master a move and shot like that.
“Yea, that was just…wow. I have no words.”
“I bet you could do it,” I say partly to myself and partly to him.
“I guess next practice I should practice it then,” He replies, and I can tell he is now watching the game as intently as I am. “This should get ugly, both teams need this game,” He says under his breath, and you can he is really into this game. When the next stoppage of play comes, he then asks; “Do you have skates?”
“A pair or two,” I reply. “Why?”
“Bring them, there might be a little open ice, and I would like to skate with you…” There was a pause and before I could answer he goes on, “Oh shit, I forgot, fuck, I’m sorry, the accident and, oh shit I am such an ass.”
Right off the bat I start laughing, “Sid. I guess I wasn’t too clear on my ‘condition’, ha, I can skate, and I can play, I just never again played competitively. I mean I have a younger cousin Lauren and I have helped her and her team when I’m back home, I have practiced with her. And I would love to skate with you when I get down there.” When I finish I hear someone come through the door, and I notice its Abbey, sketch book in hand. I wave and she pulls my poney tail while walking by me.
“Really? Well know I am really pumped for you to come down.”
“Yea, well I’m pumped too. But ah Sid I have to go, I’ll call you later. Alright?”
“Its fine, Talk to you soon,” And with that I hung up walking over to Abbey. “How are the sketches coming?”
“Done thank god. It’s such a hassle and then I STILL don’t know if my boss will like them because he is out of town for a month. The Bitch. Anyways Izzie still isn’t here? Strange, huh, well I am glad she is dating though.”
“Yea, and Adam is passed out on my bed because David is on a date too.” I reply following her into her room,”
“Goddamn, I am tired,” She whines kicking her shoes off and plopping onto her bed. “I love it’s like nation date night for the usual week and here we are babysitting and sketching for a bitch.”
“Life sucks sometimes,” trying to convince myself that I am not too much of a loner.
“Excited to go to Pittsburgh Mads?” Abbey asks getting my attention.
“Yes and no. My therapist doesn’t think it’s a good idea, and Izzie hasn’t really said that it’s a good idea, you’re the only one who is pushing me to go. I am also worried about the whole hockey thing. I mean everyone who I meet and has heard of my problems will probably ask me something about the experience. Don’t you think?”
“Well since you asked.”She starts going into the bathroom while I sit in the hanging chair in her room, “Screw everyone. Screw your therapist, Izzie, and even me.” She emerges now in our high school soccer pants and one of my Cortland Hockey shirts, “And if people ask make a joke.” Laughing she continues, “Remember when Jeremy asked you and you pulled up her shirt so we all saw her bright neon yellow sports bra and said I want to get my scares tattooed into a hockey stick so I never forget.” She is full on laughing now, spinning me around so now I am looking straight into her eyes. All of a sudden her laughing stops and she looks serious. “Be honest Mads. I am going to ask you some questions and I want honest answers. Do you like Sidney?”
“Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I be flying to Pittsburgh for a week if I didn’t like the guy.”
“I don’t know, but next. You understand that being with him will bring all of your emotions back? You will be a mess sometimes, and with being a pro athlete, if this thing gets serious, he won’t always be around, right?”
“It won’t matter,” I saw quietly, “I will be here, and he will be in Pittsburgh. And I have you and Izzie so you two can help me if I go back to where I was in high school. Right?”
“Always,” She promises. And the one thing I love most about Abbey is she never brakes a promise. She walks away from me and turns around here eyes like darts marking their target.
“Slut,” She spites.
“Excuse me,” I reply dumbfounded
“Are you ready for that? There will be little girls who masturbate to pictures of Sidney. Kiss a picture of him that’s on his wall every morning. And what about the three girls who he lives with. What about all their friends. Madeline, are you ready for this?”
“I….I….I….holy shit I am scared.” I finally admit. “I’m not ready for this.”
“But you are, Mads. Do you want to know why. Sidney will be there for you, and you will be there for Sidney. And if its meant to be, it will work.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chapter 9: Auntie

A/N Well Sorry for it being forever. I am going to try to post another this weekend but school has been insane, and now I have this robot baby thing that I would like to murder! But comments would be wonderful

I was woken up by the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. Abbey was in a good mood it must mean. By the time I rolled out of bed I could hear Izzie on the piano trying to match Pink’s Glitter in the Air. I checked my phone, 1 missed call from David who didn’t leave a voicemail, probably calling about next Friday and babysitting. I decided I would call him, after I compared Sidney and my schedules so I could travel down to Pittsburgh and we could move along with our relationship. I found a time when I could go down to Pittsburgh it would be in two weeks for a week, the Pens had a home front, playing Tampa, Buffalo, and Atlanta. After I was done planning, and finding out where a hotel was where I could stay I decided to call Dave to see why he called. After three rings he answered, chipper than ever.
“So next Friday, Julie is out and I have a date, with a girl I think you would approve of and so Adam needs a sitter, and I know you love him so I was thinking he could have a sleep over with Auntie Maddie?” What a greeting. “Oh and thanks for the tickets last night, even though the Islanders lost. When did you get home?”
“Good morning to you too sunshine,” I start with a laugh, “Next Friday is fine, where’s Julie going?” Julie is Adams mom. Dave and her spilt up, then she waited until the eight month to actually tell Dave that she was pregnant, so let’s just say we don’t really get along. “And no problem for the tickets, anytime the Pens plays the Islanders I am sure Sidney will get you tickets, and I didn’t look at the clock when I crawled into bed.”
“YES! You’re a life saver. And Adam keeps saying he wants to spend more time with you, so this is the perfect opportunity for you two!” David says with giddy. “Well I got to go, will you pick Adam up at his pre-school at three on Friday? I can drop off his bag at you apartment when I go into the city to sub this week, I am subbing all week, so I will drop it off probably on Thursday.”
“Okay, bye David,” I end, hitting the end button, throwing my phone onto my bed and walking into the kitchen where now both girls were, Abbey on her phone talking away to her boss, and Izzie looking in the fridge for juice. I grab a piece of turkey bacon and plop in into my mouth and Abbey ends the call.
“BREAKFAST IS SERVED!” she announces laughing, “Good morning princess, I went into your room at like seven, you were out cold, so are you going to tell us about your evening?”
Izzie stars at me with big eyes, “Yea, I wanna know how your night was last night baby girl,” she teases, her fingers like legs running up my arms. “What did you guys do?” she whispered into my ear, trying to be funny.
“Let’s eat first.” I say and the both agree. Everyone is done, and we put our dishes into the sink. Then we migrate to the living room but before I get settled I grab my phone, not knowing when Sidney’s plane landed, or when he would call for that matter. So with my blackberry in hand I settle next to Izzie, and we start a movie, and we all start to relax, but I can tell that the girls want to ask me the same question. “We went out to dinner, with his father, Sidney ate half of my dinner, and his. Then I dropped them off at their hotel, and I came home. Not that exciting like you guys want it to be,” I say. I knew they wanted me to say if we kissed or not, but I don’t kiss and tell, especially if it’s Sidney Crosby, where they could go and blog about it, but I don’t think they would.
“When will you guys see each other again?” Abbey asks, not letting her eyes pull away from the screen where we were watching Pride and Prejudice.
“I might go down to Pittsburgh in two weeks, and stay a week.”
“So you would be back like the last week of November?”
“Yea, then we will go to back to LP like the fourth week of December?” I ask unsure if we were going to be a part of Holiday festivities.
“Yea, my mother needs help with all the children shit.” Izzie says clearly unhappy about this because she might be able to see her ex-boyfriend, whose dad is like everywhere and is well known.
After our little chat we all curled up in balls in watched the rest of the movie, when that was finished Abbey got up and got her sketch book to finish her sketches and to get our input. Izzie went to her notebook and started writing another short story which was due in two weeks. I got up and picked out another movie, which was Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It was about one o’clock when my phone started singing Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band “I should…” before I could finish I had two girls on me yelling:
I now held my phone over my head. “You two can’t say a word.” I respond.
“ANSWER IT!” They both yell into my ear.
I put my phone on speaker and answer it.
“This conversation better be getting somewhere,” Izzie whispers harshly.
“I just got to Pittsburgh, just wanted you to know.”
“Thanks, I looked at my schedule.”
“Already,” He giggles. “Do you hate New York that much?”
“No, iiii, I just,” ‘What do I say?” I mouth to the girls
“I had so much fun…” Abbey says.
“I can’t wait to see you again, and with Christmas coming we won’t be able to see each other…” Izzie finishes.
“I had so much fun,” I start, gulping, “And with Christmas coming I have to go home, then mid-terms, and all that, I won’t be able to see for like a month maybe two…”
“It’s fine, it really is, so why don’t you tell me the times you can come, and I will clean out my guest room in my wing, and I can book your plane tickets,” He replies laughing at the end.
“Um well I can come in two weeks, but only if you want me too, I mean I don’t want to pressure you, and I mean I want to take this slowly and all, and now I am babbling, so I can just call you later, and I bet your busy so yea.”
“Maddie, honestly I want to talk about this now, I am not busy really I’m not, I am on my bed right now turning on my t.v. so I can watch something. So let’s talk about this, I want to talk about this, please?” I get up now, and put my phone off of speaker and go into my room and close the door.
“Well in two weeks I can go for a week,”
“I don’t know if I can wait that long Maddie,” He whines, “I miss you,”
I try to hold in a laugh, but it doesn’t work, “Sidney, we just saw each other last night. How can you miss me already?”
“I don’t know really. But okay, I will book a flight, and I personally will come and pick you up at the airport, which I don’t do very often, Madeline.”
“Okay Sidney,” I tease “See you then”
“I miss you,”
“Miss you too.”
“Now you can’t make fun of me because you said you missed me to,” He teases.
“Siiidddneeyyy,” I moan, “That’s not fair at all.”
“I know, I won’t hold it against you, Maddie, not ever.” My eyes roll when I hear that, and he continues. “What did you do today?” he asks, making a conversation.
“Got up at like 10ish and called my cousin, who I am babysitting for next Friday, looked at my calendar, so I could tell you in advance so you could plan, then Abbey made breakfast, and we watched Pride and Prejudice and we started watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s but then this guy interrupted it, so now I am talking to this guy telling him what I did today,”
“That guy sounds like a tool,”
“Naww, he’s pretty chill,” I tease
“Fuck,” he whispers into the phone, “That’s Austin, I promised I would practice doing baseball stuff with him, Call you tonight, I will have Pat book a flight from JFK to here today so I can tell you tonight, deal,”
“Yea, deal, have fun big brother,”
“Oh I will try,” he giggles, and hangs up.
The week crept by very slowly. I went to classes and mostly hung out with Izzie. Abbey was busy with her designs and Izzie and I with school.
Friday came and soon I was sitting in Adam’s schools pick-up line waiting for my godson, twirling my hair between my fingers. From the corner of my eye I see a small boy jumping up and down with a sun bleached New York Yankee baseball hat on with dark brown ringlets peeking out from underneath the hat. Adam. He points to me Range Rover and grabs onto who I am guessing his teachers hand and leads her over to me.
I get out of my truck and walk around to greet him.
“Adammm,” I say lifting my sunglasses.
“Mrs. Eure this is my Auntie Maddie, the one that is on Daddy’s note.”
“Hi,” I greet “Madeline Martin, David’s cousin, Adam’s godmother.”
“Hi, Donna Eure, Adam’s Kindergarten teacher.” Donna now directs her attention to Adam “Alright little guy, I will see you on Monday.”
“Bye Mrs. Eure!” Adam waves and opening the truck’s backseat door on the passenger side. “So Auntie Maddie, we are watching the hockey game tonight right?”
“Why,” I start closing the door and jogging to my door, and opening it. “yes we are” I continue. “You think we wouldn’t. I was thinking we make our own pizza’s and watch the Islanders beat the Habs. Oh and we also have cookie and cream ice cream, your favorite!” I say getting a little too over excited about our night.
“Sweeeeeeet,” Adam replied. “Dad packed my PSP right? If he forgot it I am gonna kill ‘im.”
“Yea, and I double checked. You know how your father can be.”
“Yeaa,” he agreed.
The night with Adam was refreshing. Abbey was working, er, sketching and Izzie left a note saying she was on a date, so that left Adam and I working on our pizzas singing to the top 40 radio station I had on. When I was with Adam I became the five year old who had the same responsibilities as a twenty year old had.
“I cann make your bedrock, GIRL!” Adam screamed not knowing what exactly he was screaming, while playing god knows what on his PSP.
I popped the pizzas into the oven and got out Sprite, Adam’s drink of choice, and set out bar with plates and napkins. Twenty minutes later the pizzas are done and Adam is tearing his apart counting down until game time. When he is done with the pizza he changes into his pj’s and I clean up our mess. Then I change into comfy sweats dish out some ice cream and settle down next to Adam watching the game start, and start to wonder how long it would be until I can have my own Adam and cuddle and watch a hockey game.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chapter 9: The next step?

I was woken up by the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. Abbey was in a good mood it must mean. By the time I rolled out of bed I could hear Izzie on the piano trying to match Pink’s Glitter in the Air. I checked my phone, 1 missed call from David who didn’t leave a voicemail, probably calling about next Friday and babysitting. I decided I would call him, after I compared Sidney and my schedules so I could travel down to Pittsburgh and we could move along with our relationship. I found a time when I could go down to Pittsburgh it would be in two weeks for a week, the Pens had a home front, playing Tampa, Buffalo, and Atlanta. After I was done planning, and finding out where a hotel was where I could stay I decided to call Dave to see why he called. After three rings he answered, chipper than ever.
“So next Friday, Julie is out and I have a date, with a girl I think you would approve of and so Adam needs a sitter, and I know you love him so I was thinking he could have a sleep over with Auntie Maddie?” What a greeting. “Oh and thanks for the tickets last night, even though the Islanders lost. When did you get home?”
“Good morning to you too sunshine,” I start with a laugh, “Next Friday is fine, where’s Julie going?” Julie is Adams mom. Dave and her spilt up, then she waited until the eight month to actually tell Dave that she was pregnant, so let’s just say we don’t really get along. “And no problem for the tickets, anytime the Pens plays the Islanders I am sure Sidney will get you tickets, and I didn’t look at the clock when I crawled into bed.”
“YES! You’re a life saver. And Adam keeps saying he wants to spend more time with you, so this is the perfect opportunity for you two!” David says with giddy. “Well I got to go, will you pick Adam up at his pre-school at three on Friday? I can drop off his bag at you apartment when I go into the city to sub this week, I am subbing all week, so I will drop it off probably on Thursday.”
“Okay, bye David,” I end, hitting the end button, throwing my phone onto my bed and walking into the kitchen where now both girls were, Abbey on her phone talking away to her boss, and Izzie looking in the fridge for juice. I grab a piece of turkey bacon and plop in into my mouth and Abbey ends the call.
“BREAKFAST IS SERVED!” she announces laughing, “Good morning princess, I went into your room at like seven, you were out cold, so are you going to tell us about your evening?”
Izzie stars at me with big eyes, “Yea, I wanna know how your night was last night baby girl,” she teases, her fingers like legs running up my arms. “What did you guys do?” she whispered into my ear, trying to be funny.
“Let’s eat first.” I say and the both agree. Everyone is done, and we put our dishes into the sink. Then we migrate to the living room but before I get settled I grab my phone, not knowing when Sidney’s plane landed, or when he would call for that matter. So with my blackberry in hand I settle next to Izzie, and we start a movie, and we all start to relax, but I can tell that the girls want to ask me the same question. “We went out to dinner, with his father, Sidney ate half of my dinner, and his. Then I dropped them off at their hotel, and I came home. Not that exciting like you guys want it to be,” I say. I knew they wanted me to say if we kissed or not, but I don’t kiss and tell, especially if it’s Sidney Crosby, where they could go and blog about it, but I don’t think they would.
“When will you guys see each other again?” Abbey asks, not letting her eyes pull away from the screen where we were watching Pride and Prejudice.
“I might go down to Pittsburgh in two weeks, and stay a week.”
“So you would be back like the last week of November?”
“Yea, then we will go to back to LP like the fourth week of December?” I ask unsure if we were going to be a part of Holiday festivities.
“Yea, my mother needs help with all the children shit.” Izzie says clearly unhappy about this because she might be able to see her ex-boyfriend, whose dad is like everywhere and is well known.
After our little chat we all curled up in balls in watched the rest of the movie, when that was finished Abbey got up and got her sketch book to finish her sketches and to get our input. Izzie went to her notebook and started writing another short story which was due in two weeks. I got up and picked out another movie, which was Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It was about one o’clock when my phone started singing Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band “I should…” before I could finish I had two girls on me yelling:
I now held my phone over my head. “You two can’t say a word.” I respond.
“ANSWER IT!” They both yell into my ear.
I put my phone on speaker and answer it.
“This conversation better be getting somewhere,” Izzie whispers harshly.
“I just got to Pittsburgh, just wanted you to know.”
“Thanks, I looked at my schedule.”
“Already,” He giggles. “Do you hate New York that much?”
“No, iiii, I just,” ‘What do I say?” I mouth to the girls
“I had so much fun…” Abbey says.
“I can’t wait to see you again, and with Christmas coming we won’t be able to see each other…” Izzie finishes.
“I had so much fun,” I start, gulping, “And with Christmas coming I have to go home, then mid-terms, and all that, I won’t be able to see for like a month maybe two…”
“It’s fine, it really is, so why don’t you tell me the times you can come, and I will clean out my guest room in my wing, and I can book your plane tickets,” He replies laughing at the end.
“Um well I can come in two weeks, but only if you want me too, I mean I don’t want to pressure you, and I mean I want to take this slowly and all, and now I am babbling, so I can just call you later, and I bet your busy so yea.”
“Maddie, honestly I want to talk about this now, I am not busy really I’m not, I am on my bed right now turning on my t.v. so I can watch something. So let’s talk about this, I want to talk about this, please?” I get up now, and put my phone off of speaker and go into my room and close the door.
“Well in two weeks I can go for a week,”
“I don’t know if I can wait that long Maddie,” He whines, “I miss you,”
I try to hold in a laugh, but it doesn’t work, “Sidney, we just saw each other last night. How can you miss me already?”
“I don’t know really. But okay, I will book a flight, and I personally will come and pick you up at the airport, which I don’t do very often, Madeline.”
“Okay Sidney,” I tease “See you then”
“I miss you,”
“Miss you too.”
“Now you can’t make fun of me because you said you missed me to,” He teases.
“Siiidddneeyyy,” I moan, “That’s not fair at all.”
“I know, I won’t hold it against you, Maddie, not ever.” My eyes roll when I hear that, and he continues. “What did you do today?” he asks, making a conversation.
“Got up at like 10ish and called my cousin, who I am babysitting for next Friday, looked at my calendar, so I could tell you in advance so you could plan, then Abbey made breakfast, and we watched Pride and Prejudice and we started watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s but then this guy interrupted it, so now I am talking to this guy telling him what I did today,”
“That guy sounds like a tool,”
“Naww, he’s pretty chill,” I tease
“Fuck,” he whispers into the phone, “That’s Austin, I promised I would practice doing baseball stuff with him, Call you tonight, I will have Pat book a flight from JFK to here today so I can tell you tonight, deal,”
“Yea, deal, have fun big brother,”
“Oh I will try,” he giggles, and hangs up.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chapter 8: Meet the Father

A/N I love writing this story, really just love it. If anyone is reading it please comment and share with friends and/or people who love fan fictions. And I hope everyone likes this update!

We ended up taking my SUV, Sidney driving with Troy in the passenger’s seat fighting over where to eat. Troy wanted a nice steak, while Sidney wanted pasta, real Italian pasta where he couldn’t eat at a steak house. We were stuck in traffic, which only added fuel to the father v son fire because they actually had time to fight it out. Meanwhile I sat in the hump seat in the back seat checking my e-mails, and texts on my blackberry trying to block out the war that was going on in the front of my car.
“Fine Dad, we will just ask her.” Sidney said with way to much confidence in his voice which scared me. “Maddie; Italian or American.”
Doesn’t he mean steak? Way to put me in the middle of this situation boys. They both turn around at the same time, looking at me with this look in their eyes. “Well actually… personally… I kinda feel like Chinese, or Japanese, but I would eat anywhere, I am not that fussy. I mean you guys feel like McDonalds, I’ll eat there, Subway, I’ll eat there, Panera, I’ll ear there.” But when I finish they both change the look in their eyes, this time it is filled with laughter, little school boy laughter. Sidney can’t hold it any longer and starts wailing like a kid, and Troy starts soon after but his laugh is an adult giggle, which doesn’t overpower Sidney’s. “What?” I ask unaware of why they are laughing like I would if I was watching the Hangover.
“We were talking about baseball” Troy says in-between bellows.
“But I thought you two were talking about where we are eating” I stutter out, know realizing that I was out of it for a while.

“We were,” Sidney answers now containing his laughter. “Until you mumbled something about the Yankees, and then my dad and I were talking about baseball.”
“When did you start talking about baseball?” I ask suddenly so confused and lost.
“Like ten minutes ago,” Troy answers, “Here I will fill you in, Sid over here like the Pirates, while I like to stick to a traditional team, the Yankees. So we asked if the two ever met in the play offs,” Which they never will I thought, ha, I mean the Pirates, what’s their record negative two? “Which team would win?”
“Yankees,” I answer not even thinking about it, I mean that’s common sense here.
“THAT’S BULL SHIT!” Sidney yells startling Troy and I “The Pirates would kill their prissy asses.” He says coping an attitude.
“No actually that’s bull shit.” I mummer underneath my breathe now wishing I said Pirates just so this wouldn’t have happened. Sidney now is giving Troy and I the silent treatment, and starts playing with my car’s dials. I have to safe myself, but Troy steps and takes control of the situation and announces we are at the restaurant. When he get to the table, Sidney faces away from the door, and I sit next to him with Troy sitting on the other side. It looks like the two compromised because on the menu there is both steak and pasta.
“So,” Troy starts after we get drinks, and order our food, “What do you do for a living, that is the only thing Sidney hasn’t told me yet?”
The funny thing is, I haven’t told Sidney what I did for a job too. “I work for the Yankees,” I answer “I am their massage therapist in training. That’s why the Yankees would win in the playoffs, because I was born a Yankee fan, and now I work for them.” I end my answer with elbowing Sidney in the ribs and Troy starts to laugh.
“That’s why I like the Pirates,” Sidney whispers, “Because I work in live in the Pittsburgh area, and I work for one of their sports teams.” Sidney retorts.
“We understand,” I coo him and he laughs.
Are food finally came, and we ate. Well I picked, Troy ate, and Sidney vacuumed our food. When Sidney was done with his, and I was done with mine we started talking but I realized that he was eyeing my food. And I finally started laughing and I traded plates with him. Then the table feel back into silence while he ate my plate of food. When he was done with that Sidney paid the check, while I argued. But in the end I gave in and sat back watching him sign his name on the dotted line.
We all went back to my truck and Troy drove him and Sidney back to the hotel. We all got out, I hugged both Troy and Sidney. Both Crosby men whispered in my ear.
“My son is falling for you, and you are falling for him. I like you, I really do, but think this over before you two start to date. I will like the same if you are friends, or a couple. I don’t know what you have heard about me, if you have, but I am not a jackass. I just don’t like women who will use my son for his money, and I know you won’t, I mean for Christ-sake you are driving a Range Rover that someone could live in. I hope to see you in the ‘Burgh soon too.” “Sidney, I am going to my room, see you in the morning, good game tonight.” He slaps Sidney’s back and heads inside.
And with that Sidney came over and hugged me until my brains were out. He nuzzles his head in my hair. “mmmmmm mint.” He starts. “Thanks for coming tonight,” we stand there for what feels like eternity. I know he is smelling me and my perfume and I am doing the same to him, I know I will miss his sent until the next time I see him. His hoodie is losing its sent. “I want you to come down to Pittsburgh and stay for like a week, maybe more. Are you working now?” I shake my head no, so he finishes. “Call me when you can come down, you can stay with me, and I will take care of everything, airfare and all. I really like your truck too, I might have to upgrade.” He now lifts my head and our foreheads are resting against one another.
“I will miss you,”
“Me too Sid,”
He kisses my lips softly.
“Call me when you are in your apartment.”
“I will,”
He hugs me again, and then kisses me with a little more passion this time. Then helps me in my car and I drive off wishing I could have stayed with him and we could have talked all night.

I got home two and a half hours later, due to a three car pileup on the road. The apartment is silent, but there are two notes on my door.
I HAD SO MUCH FUN TONIGHTTTTT. When Davee drove me home I went and saw your god son. SO FREAKIN cute, of and we are babysitting next Friday, David will call you with the details, GOD that was a good game. We are having a talk-a-thon tomorrow I have no classes and you don’t either get some rest girl
I was laughing, I knew she would like Adam, my godson, she likes every kid.
Sorry about earlier, I was a bitch, forgive me, I need help on deigns and shit like that, talk tomorrow, and a movie tomorrow night, Oh and I want to meet Sidney sometime, maybe he is different?
I love Abbey and I could never stay mad at her, and I knew she was looking out for me.
I climbed out of my jeans and put on soffe shorts and a wifebeater tank, plugged in my phone and called Sid.
“Hello,” he answered groggily
“Hi, sorry it’s so late, there was an accident,”
“It’s all good Maddie, as long as your fine, thanks for letting me know”
“No problem, well you seem tired, and I know I am, so I will call you tomorrow?”
“Sounds great, my flight leaves at 11. So how about I call you when I land?”
“Sounds wonderful Sid,”
“tata for now”
And with that I received my second best night of sleep in a row.